Campsites in the BWCA

Campsite along the north shore of Tuscarora Lake.

The following is an alphabetical directory of all the BWCA campsites reviewed on so far. Overall, there are about 2,000 campsites in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Each campsite review includes photos, a video walk through and a general description. The map marker on the scrollable map interface should make it evident which campsite you are selecting below, in the case where there is more than one campsite listed for a particular lake.

The number in parentheses after the lake name is the official U.S. Forest Service Campsite Number -- shown as (e.g., 1322).

Alphabetical List of BWCA Campsite Reviews (by Lake Name) - 314 campsite video reviews so far...

Campsites on lakes starting with A
Abinodji Lake Campsite 1 (1208) - Only campsite on the lake. Located along the north shoreline
Ahsub Lake Campsite 1 (1207) - Campsite behind the island on the north shore
Ahsub Lake Campsite 2 (1206) - Just west of Disappointment Lake portage
Alder Lake Campsite 1 (707) - Located just west of portage to the north arm of East Bearskin Lake
Alder Lake Campsite 2 (703) - Second campsite from west end of lake along north shoreline
Alder Lake Campsite 3 (708) - First site located west of the Canoe Lake portage along north shoreline
Alder Lake Campsite 4 (715) - Just east of the Canoe Lake portage
Alder Lake Campsite 5 (704) - Middle of the five campsites along north shoreline of lake
Alder Lake Campsite 6 (705) - Located on east end of large point near mid-lake
Alder Lake Campsite 7 (706) - Located on the small point in the southeast corner of lake
Alton Lake Campsite 1 (867) - Middle of three campsites on east shore north of Sawbill Lake portage
Alton Lake Campsite 2 (849) - First campsite south of Sawbill Lake portage on east shore
Alton Lake Campsite 3 (844) - South end of lake west of peninsula near Wonder Lake portage
Alton Lake Campsite 4 (843) - Second campsite south of the Sawbill Lake portage along east shore
Alton Lake Campsite 5 (850) - Third campsite south of the Sawbill Lake portage along east shore
Alton Lake Campsite 6 (847) - Southern most campsite along east shore of Alton Lake
Alton Lake Campsite 7 (871) - Just south of the Kelso Lake portage on the west shoreline of the lake
Alton Lake Campsite 8 (869) - The second campsite south of the Kelso Lake portage on the west shoreline of the lake
Alton Lake Campsite 9 (2054) - The first campsite north of the Sawbill Lake portage on the east shoreline of the lake
Alton Lake Campsite 11 (868) - Third campsite south of the Kelso Lake portage on west shoreline
Alton Lake Campsite 12 (866) - Fourth campsite south of the Kelso Lake portage on west shoreline
Alton Lake Campsite 16 (848) - Just a short paddle southeast of the Beth Lake portage
Angleworm Lake Campsite 1 (1894) - Campsite on north end of the lake along west shoreline
Angleworm Lake/Angleworm Trail Campsite 2 (1900) - South most of the three campsites in southwest corner of lake
Angleworm Lake/Angleworm Trail Campsite 3 (1898) - On south end of the lake along west shoreline
Angleworm Lake/Angleworm Trail Campsite 4 (1899) - Middle of the three campsites located in the southwest corner of the lake
Angleworm Lake/Angleworm Trail Campsite 8 (Unknown#) - Second campsite from north end of the lake along the west shoreline

Campsites on lakes starting with B
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 1 (1721) - Third site south of the north tip of long point that extends out from west shoreline in the lakes northwest corner
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 2 (1722) - In the back of the large bay on the west side of the lake
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 3 (1723) - Just south of the large bend in lake's west shoreline, about 1-mile north/northwest of the mouth of the Isabella River
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 4 (1727) - First site north of the mouth of the Isabella River along the east shoreline
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 5 (1728) - Second campsite north of the mouth of the Isabella River along the eastern shoreline
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 6 (1730) - Just a few minutes paddle south of the Gull Lake portage on the east side of the lake
Bald Eagle Lake Campsite 7 (1718) - Just a short paddle east of the Gabbro Lake portage and just west of the Turtle Lake portage
Banadad Lake Campsite 1 (579) - Eastern most campsite along the north shore of lake
Banadad Lake Campsite 2 (580) - Located on the island near the middle of the lake
Banadad Lake Campsite 3 (582) - Island campsite located near the west end of the lake
Banadad Lake Campsite 4 (581) - Located on the west shore of the north arm of the lake
Baskatong Lake Campsite 1 (2056) - East shoreline of lake
Baskatong Lake Campsite 2 (2057) - West shoreline of lake - CAMPSITE IS CLOSED
Becoosin Lake Campsite 1 (2246) - West campsite on this lake (on Benezie-Becoosin Loop Trail)
Becoosin Lake Campsite 2 (2249) - East campsite on this lake (on Benezie-Becoosin Loop Trail)
Benezie Lake Campsite 1 (2247) - West campsite on this lake (on Benezie-Becoosin Loop Trail)
Benezie Lake Campsite 2 (2248) - East campsite on this lake (on Benezie-Becoosin Loop Trail)
Beth Lake Campsite 1 (836) - Just west of the Beth Lake portage
Beth Lake Campsite 2 (837) - Just east of the channel leading to the Ella Lake portage
Beth Lake Campsite 3 (839) - Just south of the Grace Lake portage
Big Lake Campsite 1 (2099) - On the west shore of the lake
Big Lake Campsite 2 (2029) - Middle of largest island (not in BWCA)
Big Lake Campsite 3 (2028) - On south tip of largest island (not in BWCA)
Big Moose Lake Campsite 1 (181) - On north end of lake near the Big Moose Trail
Big Moose Trail Campsite (181) - On the north end of Big Moose Lake
Big Rice Lake Campsite 1 (186) - Only campsite on the lake
Bingshick Lake Campsite 1 (495) - Easternmost of the two campsites on this lake. Accessible from Kekekabic Trail
Bingshick Lake Campsite 2 (494) - Westernmost of the two campsites on this lake. Accessible from Kekekabic Trail
Border Route Trail Campsite 1 (2241) - Near the bridge over the Portage River on the eastern part of the BRT
Bower Trout Lake Campsite 1 (780) - Middle of the north shoreline
Bower Trout Lake Campsite 2 (781) - On the south shore of the lake
Bruin Lake Campsite 1 (1709) - Next to the Little Gabbro Lake portage
Brule Lake Campsite 1 (940) - Just northeast of BWCA Entry Point 41 on the point
Brule Lake Campsite 2 (939) - About 0.6 miles northeast of BWCA Entry Point 41 on island
Brule Lake Campsite 3 (937) - On west end of North Bay
Brule Lake Campsite 4 (935) - On east end of North Bay
Brule Lake Campsite 5 (938) - On island on south side of North Bay
Brule Lake Campsite 6 (945) - First campsite west of Entry Point 41 landing along south shoreline
Brule Lake Campsite 7 (953) - On the west end of a large island, almost due north of BWCA Entry Point 41 landing
Brule Lake Campsite 8 (941) - On the northeast tip of large island, nearly due north of BWCA Entry Point 41 landing
Brule Lake Campsite 9 (942) - On the west end of an island just southeast of the entrance to Lily Bay (where the portage to Lily Lake is located)
Brule Lake Campsite 10 (944) - On the east side of the entrance to Lily Bay (where the portage to Lily Lake is located)
Brule Lake Campsite 11 (948) - In Cone Bay, across channel from start of the South Cone Lake portage
Brule Lake Campsite 12 (934) - In Cone Bay, along the northeast shoreline
Brule Lake Campsite 13 (936) - On north shore of Brule Lake, east of Cone Bay, near the back of a long bay
Brule Lake Trail Campsite (2307) - Located on Fishhook Lake

Campsites on lakes starting with C
Campfire Lake Campsite 1 (2259) - Only campsite on the lake and accessible only from the Powwow Trail
Canoe Lake Campsite 1 (700) - West most campsite along north shore
Canoe Lake Campsite 2 (701) - Middle campsite along north shore
Canoe Lake Campsite 3 (702) - East most campsite along north shore
Caribou Lake [by Clearwater Lake] (686) - Westernmost campsite on this lake
Caribou Lake [by Clearwater Lake] (687) - Second campsite from the west end of this lake
Caribou Lake [by Clearwater Lake] (688) - Third campsite from the west end of this lake
Caribou Lake [by Clearwater Lake] {690) - Just west of the eastern portage between Clearwater Lake and Caribou Lake
Caribou Lake [by Lizz Lake] Campsite 1 (645) - Just across lake from the Lizz Lake portage
Caribou Lake [by Lizz Lake] Campsite 2 (644) - Just west of the Lizz Lake portage
Caribou Lake [by Lizz Lake] Campsite 3 (642) - Located in the southwest corner of the lake
Carl Lake Campsite 1 (775) - Only campsite on the lake
Cherokee Lake Campsite 1 (893) - Campsite on the north end of large island in north end of lake
Clearwater Lake Campsite 1 (679) - Second campsite east of BWCA Entry Point 62 landing
Clearwater Lake Campsite 2 (681) - Third campsite east of BWCA Entry Point 62 landing
Clearwater Lake Campsite 3 (682) - Site just west of the Mountain Lake portage
Clearwater Lake Campsite 4 (683) - First campsite east of the Mountain Lake portage
Clove Lake Campsite 1 (438) - On the north end of the lake
Clove Lake Campsite 3 (440) - This campsite is located on the east shoreline near the Pine River portage
Crocodile Lake Campsite 1 (711) - Westernmost campsite on south shoreline
Crocodile Lake Campsite 2 (712) - Easternmost campsite on south shoreline
Crocodile Lake Campsite 3 (713) - Westernmost campsite on north shoreline
Crocodile Lake Campsite 4 (714) - Easternmost campsite on north shoreline
Crooked Lake Campsite 1 (511) - On the north shore about 1/4 mile west of Owl Lake portage
Cross Bay Lake Campsite 1 (558) - Campsite at the south end of the lake near Rib Lake portage
Cross Bay Lake Campsite 2 (557) - At the sharp bend in the mid-point of lake on west shore

Campsites on lakes starting with D
Daniels Lake Campsite 1 (668): On the south shoreline. First campsite east of the West Bearskin Lake portage. Accessible from the Daniels Lake Trail
Daniels Lake Campsite 2 (670): Easternmost campsite on the lake near the Rove/Rose Lake portage. Accessible from the Daniels Lake Trail
Daniels Lake Campsite 3 (667): Easternmost campsite on the north shoreline
Daniels Lake Campsite 4 (2062): Westernmost campsite on the north shoreline. This campsite is difficult to see from the water.
Deer Lake Campsite 1 (693) - Only campsite on this lake
Disappointment Lake Campsite 1 (1480) - Just east of Snowbank Lake portage
Disappointment Lake Campsite 2 (1386) - On island in south half of the lake
Disappointment Lake Campsite 3 (2316) - On point along south shore of the lake
Disappointment Lake Campsite 4 (1382) - Located on small island in north end of the lake
Disappointment Lake Campsite 5 (1381) - On north side of point in north end of lake on east shoreline
Disappointment Lake Campsite 6 (1383) - Just east of Ahsub Lake portage (also accessible to hikers of Old Pine Trail)
Disappointment Lake Campsite 7 (1385) - South side of large peninsula jutting out from middle of west side of lake
Duncan Lake Campsite 1 (662) - Just west of the West Bearskin Lake portage
Duncan Lake Campsite 2 (659) - On the point just north of the Moss Lake portage
Duncan Lake Campsite 3 (658) - Just east of the Partridge Lake portage - NOT FOUND OR POSSIBLY CLOSED
Duncan Lake Campsite 4 (660) - Fourth campsite west of the Stairway Portage along the northwest shoreline
Duncan Lake Campsite 5 (661) - Third campsite west of the Stairway Portage along the northwest shoreline
Duncan Lake Campsite 6 (664) - Second campsite west of the Stairway Portage on the point along the northwest shoreline
Duncan Lake Campsite 7 (663) - First campsite west of the Stairway Portage along the northwest shoreline

Campsites on lakes starting with E
Eagle Mountain Trail Campsite (2308) - Located on north shore of Whale Lake
Eagle Mountain Trail Campsite (2309) - Campsite on southwest shore of Whale Lake
East Bearskin Lake Campsite 1 (697) - Located on south shore near Crocodile Lake portage
East Bearskin Lake Campsite 2 (698) - East end of lake, south arm, by Alder Lake portage
East Bearskin Lake Campsite 3 (699) - Eastern end of the north arm near Alder Lake portage
Ella Lake Campsite 1 (834) - Southmost of the two campsites on the east shoreline of this lake
Ella Lake Campsite 2 (835) - Northmost of the two campsites on the east shoreline of this lake
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 1 (1750) - Unmaintained campsite on peninsula point near the Mud Lake portage
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 2 (1754) - Western site on the north shoreline
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 3 (1753) - Eastern site on the north shoreline
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 4 (1752) - Eastern site on the south shoreline
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 5 (1751) - Was located at the southernmost point on the lake along - PROBABLY CLOSED
Ella Hall Lake Campsite 6 (1755) - Was just east of the portage to the Four Mile Portage. Was not able to find it in 2024

Campsites on lakes starting with F
Fall Lake Campsite 1 (1758) - Campsite on south end, east side of Mile Island
Fall Lake Campsite 2 (1761) - Campsite on north tip of Mile Island
Fall Lake Campsite 3 (1760) - Second campsite from north tip of Mile Island
Fall Lake Campsite 4 (1759) - Third campsite from north tip of Mile Island (was in poor condition as of August 2018)
Fishhook Lake Campsite 1 (2307) - Only campsite on lake and along Brule Lake Trail
Found Lake Campsite 1 (1304) - Only campsite on lake
French Lake Campsite 1 (490) - On north shore of the lake

Campsites on lakes starting with G
Gabbro Lake Campsite 1 (1708) - In the channel between Gabbro Lake and Little Gabbro Lake
Gabbro Lake Campsite 2 (1711) - At start of channel to Little Gabbro Lake
Gabbro Lake Campsite 3 (1713) - Located on an island near mid-lake along Gabrro Lake's western shoreline
Gabbro Lake Campsite 4 (1716) - On sharp point jutting out from west shoreline in south half of the lake
Gabbro Lake Campsite 5 (1717) - On peninsula just north of the Bald Eagle Lake portage
Gillis Lake Campsite 1 (507) - Only campsite on east side of the lake
Gillis Lake Campsite 2 (509) - West end of lake just west of Fern Lake portage
Gogebic Lake Campsite 1 (723) - West campsite on lake that is situated on Border Route Trail
Good Lake Campsite 1 (2048) - There are two campsites on this lake. This is the eastern one next to the Indiana Lake portage
Gordon Lake Campsite 1 (883) - Campsite on north end of the lake
Gordon Lake Campsite 2 (884) - Campsite on the south end of the lake

Campsites on lakes starting with H
Ham Lake Campsite 1 (551) - Campsite on the prominent north point of the lake
Ham Lake Campsite 2 (553) - Furthest east campsite on the lake
Ham Lake Campsite 3 (550) - Western most campsite on the lake by the channel
Home Lake Campsite 1 (2097) - This site is on the north shore of lake just west of the Gull Lake/Home Lake portage
Homer Lake Campsite 1 (2170) - Campsite near mid-lake along south shoreline
Homer Lake Campsite 2 (2171) - Campsite on the east end of small island near mid-lake
Homer Lake Campsite 3 (963) - Campsite on the west end of the lake
Horseshoe Lake Campsite 1 (672) - On point just south of the Caribou Lake portage

Campsites on lakes starting with I
Insula Lake Campsite 1 -
Insula Lake Campsite 2 -
Insula Lake Campsite 3 -
Isabella Lake Campsite 1 (1923) - First site west of Entry Point 35 on south shore
Isabella Lake Campsite 2 (1924) - Just east of BWCA Entry Point 35 on south shore
Isabella Lake Campsite 3 (1922) - NOT FOUND (07/25/2021). Second site west of Entry Point 35 on south shore
Isabella River Campsite 1 (1927) - Shared campsite with Powwow Trail
Isabella River Campsite 2 (1726) - First campsite upstream of Bald Eagle Lake

Campsites on lakes starting with J
John Lake Campsite 1 (747) - Next to the Little John Lake portage
John Lake Campsite 2 (748) - At the outlet of the Royal River
John Lake Campsite 3 (749) - On the eastern shoreline near mid-lake
Juno Lake Campsite 1 (958) - Second campsite west of the Brule Lake portage along the lakes north shoreline
Juno Lake Campsite 2 (959) - Easternmost campsite on this lake along the north shoreline

Campsites on lakes starting with K
Karl Lake Campsite 1 (572) - Campsite on north end of lake by Long Island Lake portage
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 1 (1012) - Just east of BWCA Entry Point 37 landing
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 2 (1011) - South most of the four campsites on east shoreline
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 3 (1007) - Only island campsite on the lake
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 4 (1010) - On point on east shore just north of island
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 5 (1006) - North most campsite on lake just west of Kawishiwi River outlet
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 6 (1009) - Back in the bay on east shoreline of lake
Kawishiwi Lake Campsite 7 (1008) - North most campsite along the east shore of lake
Kelly Lake Campsite 1 (825) - Southernmost campsite on the lake. Just southeast of the Burnt Lake portage
Kelly Lake Campsite 2 (827) - On south shore of small bay due east of the Burnt Lake portage
Kelly Lake Campsite 3 (826) - At the back of the small bay (east shore) due east of the Burnt Lake portage
Kelly Lake Campsite 4 (824) - On the point that is northeast of the Burnt Lake portage
Kelly Lake Campsite 5 (927) - North end of the lake just east of the Jack Lake portage
Kelso Lake Campsite 1 (873) - South most of three campsites on east shore of lake
Kelso Lake Campsite 2 (872) - Middle of the three campsites on the east shore of lake
Kelso Lake Campsite 3 (874) - North most of three campsites on east shore of lake
Koma Lake Campsite 1 (1060) - Campsite on north shore of lake

Campsites on lakes starting with L
Lake Insula [see Insula Lake]
[The numbered lakes shown below (Lake One, Lake Two, Lake Three and Lake Four) are not sorted alphabetically]
Lake One Campsite 1 (2302) - North shore of the large northeast bay
Lake One Campsite 2 (1675) - South shore just east of channel separating the lakes two halves
Lake One Campsite 3 (1673) - Near mid-lake in middle of point that extends east from north shore
Lake One Campsite 4 (1672) - Near mid-lake at west end of point that extends east from north shore
Lake One Campsite 5 (1677) - On south side of point located on east shoreline in south part of lake
Lake One Campsite 6 (1676) - Middle of three campsites on east shore in south part of lake
Lake One Campsite 7 (1674) - North most of three campsites on east shore in south part of lake
Lake One Campsite 8 (1678) - West end of large island in southern part of lake
Lake One Campsite 9 (1671) - Just east of the Confusion Lake portage
Lake One Campsite 10 (1670) - Just west of the Confusion Lake portage
Lake One Campsite 11 (2303) - Next to rapids flowing in from Lake Two
Lake One Campsite 12 (1147) - Second campsite west of Confusion Lake portage
Lake One Campsite 13 (1146) - West most campsite on the lake
Lake One Campsite 14 (2219) - On island southeast of Confusion Lake portage
Lake Two Campsite 1 (1679) - Located up the long north arm of lake
Lake Two Campsite 2 (1527) - On island 1/4 mile south-southeast of Lake One portage
Lake Two Campsite 3 (1523) - West end of prominent point in southwest part of lake
Lake Two Campsite 4 (1522) - At the back of dead end bay along the south edge of lake
Lake Two Campsite 5 (2330) - Only site on the small island near the middle of the lake
Lake Two Campsite 6 (1529) - Second site to the east of the Lake One portage
Lake Two Campsite 7 (1526) - On south side of lakes largest island
Lake Two Campsite 8 (1525) - On point near mid-lake jutting out from south shoreline
Lake Two Campsite 9 (1528) - Just northeast of the Lake One portage
Lake Two Campsite 10 (1530) - On prominent point just west of long north arm of lake
Lake Two Campsite 11 (1524) - Just west of the Rifle Lake portage
Lake Two Campsite 12 (1487) - East most campsite on the lake, back in the bay
Lake Three Campsite 1 (1512) - On east point of west most island in south end of lake
Lake Three Campsite 2 (1511) - North most site along the west shoreline of lake
Lake Three Campsite 3 (1510) - Second site south of Lake Two channel on west shoreline
Lake Three Campsite 4 (1509) - Near small point on west shore - CAMPSITE IS CLOSED
Lake Three Campsite 5 (1508) - South most campsite along the west shore
Lake Three Campsite 6 (2224) - Located just west of the Horseshoe Lake portage and connected to Powwow Trail
Lake Three Campsite 9 (1493) - East side of lake just south of Lake Four channel and at north end of long channel between island and east shore
Lake Three Campsite 12 (1489) - Second site east of Lake Two channel on north shore
Lake Three Campsite 13 (1488) - Site just east of Lake Two channel
Lake Four Campsite 1 (1494) - Second campsite from west end of lake and located on a point along north shoreline
Lake Four Campsite 2 (1483) - First campsite west of the Fire Lake portages in the north arm of Lake Four
Lake Four Campsite 3 (1496) - Just south of narrow bay on lakes northside. Site just north of three tiny islands - OPEN (Verified 05/20/2023)
Lake Four Campsite 4 (1498) - At south end of the largest peninsula extending out from north shore of lake
Lake Four Campsite 5 (1492) - Westernmost campsite on lake near Lake Three channel along north shoreline
Lake Four Campsite 6 (1495) - Third campsite from the west end of the lake along the north shoreline in burn area
Lake Four Campsite 7 (1503) - On small point almost due west across from where Kawishiwi River flows into lake - OPEN (Verified 05/20/2023)
Lapond Lake Campsite 1 (187) - Only campsite on the lake
Larch Lake Campsite 1 (437) - Located just southeast of the mouth of Larch Creek
Larch Lake Campsite 2 (2004) - Located on the lakes largest island in northwest part of the lake
Larch Lake Campsite 3 (436) - This campsite is on the east shoreline just south of the Clove Lake portage
Little Bass Lake Campsite 1 (1901) - On the eastern shore of the lake
Little Bass Lake Campsite 2 (1902) - In northeast corner of the lake (may be closed as of 2023 - could not find latrine, there was a fire grate)
Little Bass Lake Campsite 3 (1903) - The western most campsite on the lake located on a point
Little Caribou Lake (692) - Only campsite on this lake
Little Gabbro Lake Campsite 1 (1707) - East side of north channel leading to Dam 1
Little Gabbro Lake Campsite 2 (1706) - West side of north channel leading to Dam 1
Little Gabbro Lake Campsite 3 (1705) - Just north of BWCA Entry Point 33 portage
Little Indian Sioux River/Sioux-Hustler Trail Campsite 1 (1994) - Site is near the middle of the Devil's Cascade portage
Little Trout Lake Campsite 1 (2016) - On island by Rum Lake portage
Little Trout Lake Campsite 2 (776)- East end of lake on point
Little Trout Lake Campsite 3 (777) - Just east of Misquah Lake portage
Long Island Lake Campsite 1 (570) - Campsite on point just northeast of Long Island River mouth
Long Island Lake Campsite 2 (566) - Campsite just north of Long Island River mouth on west shore
Long Island Lake Campsite 3 (569)- Campsite on prominent point on west shore of lake
Lower Pauness Lake Campsite 1 (41) - Site is on west shoreline in north half of lake
Lower Pauness Lake Campsite 2 (42) - This site is on west shoreline in south half of lake
Lux Lake Campsite 1 (774) - Only campsite on the lake

Campsites on lakes starting with M
Marathon Lake Campsite 1 (2258) - Primitive site with no fire grate/latrine. Accessible from the Powwow Trail
Mirror Lake Campsite 1 (2261) - Located on the Powwow Trail. Only campsite on the lake
Misquah Lake Campsite 1 (773) - Only campsite on the lake
Missing Link Lake Campsite 1 (547) - North side of lake
Missing Link Lake Campsite 2 (549) - South end of lake
Missing Link Lake Campsite 3 (548) - Mid-lake point
Moon Lake Campsite 1 (694) - Westernmost campsite on this lake located on the point
Moon Lake Campsite 2 (695) - Middle of the three campsites located on this lake
Moon Lake Campsite 3 (696) - Easternmost campsite on this lake
Moose Lake Campsite 1 (1661) - North shore of lake just east of Wind Lake portage
Moose Lake Campsite 2 (1309) - East most campsite on north shoreline
Moose Lake Campsite 3 (1306) - North most campsite on lake
Moss Lake Campsite 1 (665) - This is the only campsite on this lake. Accessible from the Caribou Rock Trail
Mud Lake Campsite 1 (1756) - Southeast shore of lake (poor condition as of July 2018)
Mud Lake Campsite 2 - NOT FOUND - North shore of lake just east of Ella Hall Lake portage
Mudro Lake Campsite 1 (1124) - Campsite on point on north shore - only campsite on lake

Campsites on lakes starting with N
Newfound Lake Campsite 1 (1305) - Southwest of Skull Lake portage on east shoreline
Newfound Lake Campsite 2 (1311) - West shore and southwest down shoreline from Found Lake portage
Newfound Lake Campsite 3 (1320) - On point just east of the Found Lake portage
Newfound Lake Campsite 4 (1303) - Near middle of the north shore on Horseshoe Island
Newfound Lake Campsite 5 (1302) - Near the southeast point of Horseshoe Island
North Wilder Lake Campsite 1 (2230) - Near the Harbor Lake portage and accessible from the Powwow Trail

Campsites on lakes starting with O
Old Pines Trail Campsite (1383) - On Disappointment Lake just east of Ahsub Lake portage

Campsites on lakes starting with P
Parent Lake Campsite 1 (1478) - South most campsite on the lake
Partridge Lake Campsite 1 (655) - South end of the lake. Accessible from the South Lake Trail
Partridge Lake Campsite 2 (656) - Middle of the three campsites on this lake. On west shoreline
Partridge Lake Campsite 3 (657) - North end of the lake. Accessible from the Border Route Trail
Path Lake Campsite 1 (2262) - Located on the Powwow Trail. Only campsite on this lake
Perent Lake Campsite 1 (1001) - On the east shoreline in the northeast part of the lake near the big island
Perent Lake Campsite 2 (1023) - Northernmost campsite on this lake
Perent Lake Campsite 3 (1022) - On the narrow island in the northeast bay of the lake
Perent Lake Campsite 4 (1002) - This is the fourth campsite east of the Perent River portage on the point
Perent Lake Campsite 5 (1003) - This is the third campsite east of the Perent River portage
Peterson Lake Campsite (823) - Only campsite on the lake and its located on the east shoreline
Pigeon River Campsite 1 - Grand Portage National Monument campground at Fort Charlotte
Pillsbery Lake Campsite 1 (625) - Just west of the Swallow Lake portage
Pillsbery Lake Campsite 2 (626) - Just east of the Swallow Lake portage
Pipe Lake Campsite 1 (965) - Easternmost campsite on the north shoreline
Pipe Lake Campsite 2 (964) - Located in the northwest corner of the lake
Pipe Lake Campsite 3 (966) - Westernmost campsite on the lake
Pose Lake Campsite 1 (2265) - Only campsite on the lake and accessible from the Powwow Trail

Campsites on lakes starting with Q

Campsites on lakes starting with R
Range Lake Campsite 1 (1126) - Campsite in northwest corner of lake - Only campsite on the lake
Rib Lake Campsite 1 (560) - Only campsite on lake along east shoreline
Rifle Lake Campsite 1 (1983) - Along north shore near Bridge Lake portage. Only campsite on lake
Rock Island Lake Campsite 1 (1507) - Campsite on prominent point along northeast shore of lake (In PMA, not maintained)
Rush Lake Campsite 1 (613) - On point along north shore on east end of lake
Rush Lake Campsite 2 (612) - Back of small bay along the south side of the lake
Rush Lake Campsite 3 (583) - Near back of the long bay in the southwest corner of lake
Rush Lake Campsite 4 (584) - On small point along north shoreline near west end of the lake

Campsites on lakes starting with S
Sandpit Lake Campsite 1 (1125) - Campsite in middle of north shore - Only campsite on the lake
Sawbill Lake Campsite 1 (915) - Campsite on very north end of the lake
Sawbill Lake Campsite 2 (2052) - Campsite on prominent point due east of Alton Lake portage
Sawbill Lake Campsite 3 (2053) - Just east of Alton Lake portage
Sawbill Lake Campsite 4 (914) - Just north of the Smoke Lake portage
Sawbill Lake Campsite 5 (2312) - About a mile north of the Smoke Lake portage on eastern shoreline
Sawbill Lake Campsite 6 (915) - Just down the shoreline from the Ada Creek portage
Sawbill Lake Campsite 7 (917) - Back of the northwest bay of Sawbill Lake
Sawbill Lake Campsite 8 (877) - West shoreline just north of the mouth of Java Creek
Sedative Lake Campsite 1 - Campsite not maintained by U.S. Forest Service; it is in the Spider Lake PMA
Slim Lake Campsite 1 (1981) - Campsite on west shore behind island
Smoke Lake Campsite 1 (919) - Northern most campsite on east shore behind island
Smoke Lake Campsite 2 (921) - Southern most campsite on east shore
Snipe Lake Campsite 1 (554) - Entrance to NW bay on point
Snipe Lake Campsite 2 (556) - Eastmost site on lake not far west of Cross Bay Lake portage
Snowbank Lake Campsite 1 (2251) - Unmaintained campsite accessible from Snowbank Lake Trail. No latrine/fire grate. At start of Flash Lake portage
South Cone Lake Campsite 1 (2020) - Only campsite on this lake and its located on the island
South Wilder Lake Campsite 1 (2264) - Accessible from the Powwow Trail
Square Lake Campsite 1 (1014) - East most campsite on south shore
Square Lake Campsite 2 (1015) - West most campsite on south shore
Sunhigh Lake Campsite 1 (842) - Only campsite on the lake

Campsites on lakes starting with T
Town Lake Campsite 1 (885) - The only campsite on the lake. It is along the lakes south shore
Tuscarora Lake Campsite 1 (517) - Campsite on north shore of lake
Tuscarora Lake Campsite 2 (543) - Just north of Ahgoday Lake
Tuscarora Lake Campsite 3 (542) - NE point of lake at entrance to north bay
Tuscarora Lake Campsite 4 (520) - South shoreline behind the small island

Campsites on lakes starting with U through Z
Upper Pauness Lake Campsite 1 (39) - Site south of the mid-lake portage to Lower Pauness Lake
Upper Pauness Lake Campsite 2 (38) - On point north of the mid-lake portage to Lower Pauness Lake
Upper Pauness Lake Campsite 3 (37) - Second site from north end of lake
Upper Pauness Lake Campsite 4 (36) - Located on the north end of the lake
Upper Pauness Lake Campsite 5 (40) - Located on south end of lake at Little Indian Sioux River rapids
West Bearskin Lake Campsite 1 (666) - Just west of the Daniels Lake portage
Whale Lake Campsite 1 (2308) - Campsite on north shore of lake (for use by hikers of Brule Lake Trail/Eagle Mountain Trails)
Whale Lake Campsite 2 (2309) - Campsite is on SW shore of lake (for use by hikers of Brule Lake Trail/Eagle Mountain Trails)
Whisky Jack Lake Campsite 1 (2269) - Located on east shoreline. Only site on lake. Accessible only from Angleworm Hiking Trail
Wonder Lake Campsite 1 (841) - This is the south most of the two campsites on the lake
Wonder Lake Campsite 2 (840)- This is north most of the two campsites on the lake
Wood Lake Campsite 1 (2195) - Located on island on east side of south bay
Wood Lake Campsite 2 (1149) - On southwest shore of south bay of lake
Wood Lake Campsite 3 (1152) - This campsite is located in mid-lake narrows
Wood Lake Campsite 4 (1151) - Campsite in north bay on south shore just east of Hula Lake portage
Wood Lake Campsite 5 - NOT FOUND - Map shows it would be in northwest bay of lake

PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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