Campsite on Gordon Lake and surrounding area

Campsite on Gordon Lake (#884)

Campsite last visited on: June 16, 2019

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Here is the campsite walkthrough. This is probably the better of the two campsites on Gordon Lake. The one on the north end of the lake is not a bad alternative though, since it doesn't have moose "residue" all over the ground. This campsite sees relatively light use as evidenced by the overgrown nature of the tent pads. Scenic views of Gordon Lake from the campsite. Huge sloping rock for landing. Good shoreline access.

Gordon Lake Campsite 1
This campsite has a resident moose (as of 2019). There are dozen of piles of moose droppings of various ages throughout the entire camp. The landing spot is slightly tricky, with the rock slab slowing descending into the lake. Can be a bit slippery, but you can get your canoe very close to shore as the decline is very gradual.

Gordon Lake Campsite 2
The area around the kitchen is the only place no moose pellets were observed.

Gordon Lake Campsite 3
One of the tent spots, but it has lots of moose "activity" on it (see foreground just right of log).

Gordon Lake Campsite 4
A close up of moose turds. Pretty much just like what comes out of a deer, but industrial sized. Moose (Ulces ulces) are the largest member of the deer family.

Gordon Lake Campsite 5
This would be a nice campsite in a beautiful setting. But I think many campers come and check it out and see the moose droppings everywhere and move on. The moose probably likes that.

Gordon Lake Campsite 6
A nice grass covered tent site about the main campsite area. The moose seems to really like this tent pad too. This may be the favorite spot of the moose.

Gordon Lake Campsite 6
The view from this campsite is quite nice. The moose enjoys it too. Never did see the moose.

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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