Campsite on Wood Lake and surrounding area

Campsite on Wood Lake (#1149)

Campsite last visited on: June 30, 2024; Previous Visit(s): July 22, 2018

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This campsite has two different canoe landing zones. The kitchen area is setup nicely. There are at least four tent pads, though a couple looked a somewhat uncomfortable. Latrine is located in a shady area back in the woods along a solid trail (June 30, 2024).

Older video footage of this campsite (July 22, 2018).

Wood Lake Campsite 1A
It is easy to launch and land a canoe from this campsite with lots of parking spaces (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 1
Older photo of the portage landing (July 22, 2018).

Wood Lake Campsite 2A
This is the second landing at this campsite (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 3A
The kitchen was remodeled and had a nice configuration at time of this visit. Campsite is fairly open and breezy (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 3
Older photo of this campsite (July 22, 2018).

Wood Lake Campsite 4A
Another view of the area about the fire grate looking in the direction of the lake (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 4
Older photo from a similar viewpoint (July 22, 2018).

Wood Lake Campsite 5A
Tent pad location (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 6A
Another tent pad spot (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 7A
And yet another. There is actually a fourth tent pad, but I forgot to photograph it. It can be seen in the video though (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 8A
Recycling station (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 9A
View from the campsite towards the south (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 10A
Peering off to the east/southeast (June 30, 2024).

Wood Lake Campsite 2
This campsite can easily support the BWCA group size limit of 9. The campsite is fairly well picked over, so you may have to gather firewood elsewhere and bring it back (July 22, 2018).

Wood Lake Campsite 5
Even more tent pad areas. Limited tree branches for hanging food packs. This view shows how large this campsite is (July 22, 2018).

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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