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Excellent beach for boat landings. The fire grate seems well placed with a good view of the lake towards the north and also good wind and sun protection. Best of both worlds. There are three tent pads, two of them desirable and the third with lots of roots. The restroom is well placed for privacy.
No issues with landing your canoe here.
Fire grate with one of the large flat tent pads visible in the background.
The fire pit is well placed. Has a nice view of the lake and easy access to the water.
This is the tent pad that you'll probably want to avoid. Use one of the other two at this campsite.
Nice flat tent pad. Ignore the rocks in the foreground, look further back where it is smooth and rock free.
Another pretty good tent pad.
The green monster.
Looking to the north from the campsite.
Northwest view. Campsite is on a point. The shore was fairly walkable.