Campsite on North Wilder Lake and surrounding area
Campsite on North Wilder Lake (#2230)
Campsite last visited on: May 25, 2024
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Follow a spur trail down to the campsite on North Wilder Lake. The fire grate is embedded into a rock slab near the water. It is somewhat difficult to get water here because the rock slopes steeply into the water, but it can be done. The campsite is sort of spread out parallel to the lake shore. There is a small island just offshore. Four tent pads were located, a couple seemed fairly appealing. The latrine is back up the spur trail you came in on. It is located at the intersection with the Powwow Trail. The latrine is hard to notice from the trail (easy to walk by it without seeing it), but it offers little privacy.
The bad boy is located right next to the Powwow Trail. This is at the intersection for the campsite spur trail. From the campsite, you have to walk back up the somewhat long spur trail to reach this location.