BWCA Lake and Stream Directory

Lake, river and creek names shown in parentheses [i.e., (Thelma) Creek] are not official names. There are about 2,000 lakes in the BWCA, of which about half of them are connected by maintained portages. Lakes that are in BWCA Primitive Management Areas (PMA) have (PMA) next to them and have their own directory too (see BWCA PMA Lakes). Lakes with a (remote) next to them are not in PMA's, but do not have a portage to them either (you must bushwhack). See this page (BWCA Remote Lakes).

Lake/River Names from A through L:

Abinodji Lake
Ada Creek
Ada Lake
Adventure Lake
Ahsub Lake
Alder Lake
Allen Lake
Alton Lake
Angleworm Lake

Baker Lake
Bald Eagle Lake
Banadad Lake
Baskatong Lake
Basswood Lake
Bat Lake
Bearskin Lake (aka West Bearskin Lake)
Becoosin Lake
Benezie Lake
Beth Lake
Bibon Lake (PMA)
Big Lake
Big Moose Lake
Big Rice Lake
Bingshick Lake
Bog Lake
Boot Lake
Bower Trout Lake
Brant Lake
Bridge Lake
Brule Lake
Brule River
Bruin Lake
Burnt Lake
Burntside Lake

Cam Lake
Campfire Lake
Canoe Lake
Carefree Lake (PMA)
Caribou Lake (near Clearwater Lake)
Caribou Lake (near Lizz Lake)
Carl Lake
Cattyman Lake
Cherokee Creek
Cherokee Lake
Chub River
Clearwater Lake (Gunflint)
Cliff Lake
Clove Lake
Cobalt Creek
Confusion Lake
Contest Lake - yes, there are two lakes with this name
Contest Lake (PMA)
Copper Lake
Crocodile Lake
Crocodile River
Crooked Lake
Cross Bay Lake
Cross River
Crystal Lake

Daniels Lake
Dawkins Creek
Deer Lake
Delta Lake (PMA)
Diana Creek
Diana Lake
Disappointment Lake
Doe Lake (remote)
Drumstick Creek (PMA)
Dugout Lake
Duncan Lake

Eagle Lake
East Bearskin Lake
East Pike Lake
East Pipe Lake
Echo Lake
Edith Lake
Ella Lake
Ella Hall Lake
Exploit Lake
Extortion Creek

Fall Lake
Fallen Arch Lake
Fawn Lake (remote)
Fay Lake
Fern Lake
Fishhook Lake
Flame Lake
Flapper Lake
Flash Lake
Flour Lake
Flying Creek
Flying Lake
Fool Lake (PMA)
Found Lake
Fourtown Creek
Fourtown Lake
French Lake

Gabbro Lake
Gasket Lake
(George) Creek
Gibson Lake
Gillis Lake
Glee Lake
Gogebic Lake
Good Creek
Good Lake
Gordon Lake
Gotter Lake
Grace Lake
Granite River
Grassy Lake
Green Lake
Gunflint Lake

Ham Lake
Handle Lake
Harbor Lake
Haven Lake
Hog Creek
Home Creek
Home Lake
Homer Lake
Hook Lake
Horseshoe Lake (near Caribou Lake)
Horseshoe Lake (near Lake Three)
Howl Lake
Hubbub Lake
Hula Lake
Hungry Jack Lake

Ima Lake
Indiana Lake
Isabella Lake
Isabella River
Island River

Jack Lake
Jake Lake
Java Creek
Jeanette Creek
Jester Lake (PMA)
John Lake
Jitterbug Lake
Jordan Lake
Judd Lake (PMA)
Jump Lake
Juno Lake

Karl Lake
Kawasachong Lake
Kawishiwi Lake
Kawishiwi River (main page)
Kawishiwi River between Kawishiwi Lake and Square Lake
Kawishiwi River between Square Lake and Kawasachong Lake
Kawishiwi River between Polly Lake and Koma Lake
Kawishiwi River between Koma Lake and Malberg Lake
Kawishiwi River between Malberg Lake and River Lake
Kelly Lake
Kelso Lake
Kelso River
Keneu Lake
Koma Lake
Kroft Lake

Lake One
Lake Four
Lake Three
Lake Two
Lapond Lake
Larch Creek
Larch Lake
Lily Lake
Little Bass Lake
Little Caribou Lake
Little Gabbro Lake
Little Indian Sioux River
Little Isabella River
Little John Lake
Little Rush Lake
Little Trout Lake
Lizz Lake
Long Island Lake
Long Island River
Lower George Lake
Lower Pauness Lake
Lucky Pay Lake (PMA)
Lujenida Lake
Lux Lake

Lake/River Names from M through Z:

Madden Creek
Malberg Lake
Marathon Lake
Marshall Lake
Mavis Lake (remote)
McFarland Lake
Meeds Lake
Middle Cone Lake
Mine Lake
Mirror Lake
Misquah Lake
Missing Link Lake
Moon Lake
Moose Lake
Moose River
(Moosecamp) Creek
Morgan Lake
Moss Lake
Mountain Lake
Mud Lake
Mudro Creek
Mudro Lake
Mulligan Lake
Muskeg Creek
Myth Lake

Newfound Lake
Nickel Creek
Nibin Lake (PMA)
North Branch Cascade River
North Cone Lake
North Hegman Lake
North Kawishiwi River
North Wilder Lake

Ojibway Lake
One Island Lake
Owl Lake

Pagami Creek (PMA)
Pagami Lake (PMA)
Paddle Lake
Parent Lake
Parsnip Lake
Partridge Lake
Path Lake
Pelt Creek
Perent Lake
Peterson Lake
Picket Lake
Pierz Lake
Pigeon River
Pillsbery Lake
Pine Lake (near Arrowhead Trail)
Pine River
Pipe Lake
Plouff Creek
Plukesley Lake (PMA)
Polly Lake
Poplar Lake
Portage River
Pose Creek
Pose Lake


Ram Lake
Range Lake
Range River
Record Creek (PMA)
Record Lake (PMA)
Reflection Lake (PMA)
Rib Lake
Rice Lake
Rifle Lake
River Lake
Rock of Ages Creek
Rock of Ages Lake
Rock Island Lake (PMA)
Rose Lake
Rove Lake
Round Lake
Royal Lake
Royal River
Rum Lake
Rush Lake

Sandpit Lake
Sawbill Lake
Seahorse Lake
Sebeka Lake
(Sedative) Creek (PMA)
Sedative Lake (PMA)
Shrike Lake
Skidway Lake
Skipper Lake
Skoop Lake
Skull Lake
Slim Lake
(Slowfoot) Creek (PMA)
Smoke Lake
Snake River
Snatch Lake (PMA)
Snipe Lake
Snowbank Lake
South Brule River
South Cone Lake
South Fowl Lake
South Hegman Lake
South Kawishiwi River
South Temperance Lake
South Wilder Lake
Spinnan Lake (PMA)
Square Lake
Stuart Lake
Stuart River
Sunhigh Lake
Superstition Creek
Superstition Lake
Swallow Lake
Swamp Creek
Swan Lake
Swing Lake

Temperance River
(Thelma) Creek
Thelma Lake
Three Eagle Lake (PMA)
Tin Can Mike Lake
Town Lake
Townline Lake
Trease Lake
Tuscarora Lake

U - Z
Unload Lake
Unnamed Lake (PMA) - lake between Lucky Pay Lake and Cross Bay Lake
Upper Pauness Lake
Vern Lake
Vern River
Vernon Lake
Vesper Lake
Vista Lake
Wanihigan Lake
Warclub Lake
Weasel Creek (PMA)
Weird Lake
West Bearskin Lake (aka Bearskin Lake)
West Pike Lake
West Pipe Lake
West Round Lake
Whack Lake
Whale Creek
Whisky Jack Lake
White Feather Lake (PMA)
Wilder Creek
Wind Lake
Wish Lake
Whale Lake
Wonder Lake
Wood Lake
Zoo Lake

PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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