Campsite on Lake Two and surrounding area

Campsite on Lake Two (#2330)

Most maps of the BWCA show this campsite being on the small island just south of the larger island to the north which has two campsites on it. However, just to eliminate any confusion (or maybe make it more confusing), sometimes this island is connected to the south shoreline of Lake Two, like during periods of low water and thus isn't an island at all.

Campsite last visited on: August 7, 2021

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Lake Two Campsite 1
Picture perfect canoe landing at this campsite. Some of the small island just offshore is visible to the left side of your view here.

Lake Two Campsite 2
Fire pit is sort of exposed to the wind and elements. Relatively little shade. Looking to the northeast from this viewpoint. The far shoreline is about 1/2 mile away for scale.

Lake Two Campsite 3
Southeast viewing angle of the dining room area. Good views of the lake because the campsite is well elevated.

Check out this campsite. Most of the trees are gone, but there were a few survivors. Enough to allow for food pack hanging and those seeking some respite from the sun. Would call this a one night campsite.

Lake Two Campsite 4
You can pitch a tent here.

Lake Two Campsite 5
Slanted and mildly overgrown tent pad.

Lake Two Campsite 6
Another yucky tent pad. This one is back in the woods a few strides.

Lake Two Campsite 7
The "greenie" is tucked back amongst the thick green foliage. The #5 indicates that this is probably campsite number five on Lake Two according to the U.S. Forest Services reckoning.

Lake Two Campsite 8
Gazing toward the north at the largest island on Lake Two. You can just make out a bit left of center (somewhat obscured by the leaves), the eastern campsite on that island. That would be BWCA Campsite 1526.

Lake Two Campsite 9
Looking down the slope you must conquer to get from the canoe landing up to the campsite. Here you are looking to the south.

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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