Campsite on Clove Lake and surrounding area

Campsite on Clove Lake (#438)

Campsite last visited on: September 2, 2024

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This campsite is one of the more highly sought after sites in the area. It has a huge sand beach which is relatively rare in the BWCA. There are two tent pads and they are close to the fire pit. This may be the campsites only negative. If you want another option, you could just pitch a tent right on the sandy beach. Great view to the south.

Clove Lake Campsite 1
This canoe landing scores a perfect ten.

Clove Lake Campsite 2
The kitchen is well situated.

Clove Lake Campsite 3
That tree between the lakeshore and the fire grate provides a nice shady spot.

Clove Lake Campsite 4
View towards the lake from back in the woods.

Clove Lake Campsite 5
This is the larger of the two tent pads. It is also a little farther away from the fire pit than the other one.

Clove Lake Campsite 6
Tent pad right next to the kitchen (for midnight snackers).

Clove Lake Campsite 7
A nice campsite made nicer by a nice latrine.

Clove Lake Campsite 8
View to the south.

Clove Lake Campsite 9
Zoomed view to the south.

Clove Lake Campsite 10
Zooooomeeeed in...

Clove Lake Campsite 11
Small bird on the large beach.

Clove Lake Campsite 12
Another view of the beach. The north arm of Clove Lake extends to the north around that near point. Heading in that direction takes you down the Granite River, which flows north.

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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