(Rock of Ages Creek)
Tofte Ranger District
Rock of Ages Creek may not be this creeks official name. It might not even have a name.
The creek can be easily viewed between Path Lake and Mirror Lake where it flows through a deep valley. The creek is visible here from the Powwow Trail. Also the Powwow Trail crosses the creek just north of Mirror Lake. You can also get a glimpse of this creek where it flows in and out of Brewis Lake. Brewis Lake has a maintained portage leading to it from Horseshoe Lake. The mouth of this creek can be seen from Horseshoe Lake.
This creek flows from Rock of Ages Lake, through Mirror Lake, Path Lake and Brewis Lake and has its mouth at Horseshoe Lake.
Exploring Rock of Ages Creek
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This is the location where the Powwow Trail crosses Wilder Creek between South Wilder Lake and North Wilder Lake.

This is the location where the Powwow Trail crosses Wilder Creek between South Wilder Lake and North Wilder Lake.

This is the location where the Powwow Trail crosses Wilder Creek between South Wilder Lake and North Wilder Lake.
Route Connections for Rock of Ages Creek
The Powwow Hiking Trail intersects Rock of Ages Creek.
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