Pose Lake
Tofte Ranger District
Campsite 1 (#2265) - Only campsite on the lake and it's accessible from the Powwow Trail
The shoreline of Pose Lake was completely burned by the Pagami Creek fire in 2011. The lakes three islands didn't escape the fire either. There is one solid campsite on the lake that is used by folks hiking the Powwow Trail. This is the most popular campsite along that trail as it can easily be reached after only a couple of hours of hiking from the trailhead.
Pose Lake has northern pike and some bluegills inhabiting is dark stained waters.
Pose Creek flows into the southwest corner of the lake and flows out the eastern end of the lake. Pose Creek flows into Ahmoo Creek about 2,000 feet downstream of Pose Lake.
Exploring Pose Lake
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This image is of Pose Lake as seen from the Powwow Trail about 1,000 feet west of the spur trail leading to the Pose Lake campsite (May 25, 2024).

Pose Lake as seen from the lakes only campsite (May 25, 2024).
Route Connections for Pose Lake
Pose Lake is accessible from the Powwow Hiking Trail.
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