Granite River
Gunflint Ranger District
A short, wild river that begins at Granite Lake where the Pine River ends. The river flows approximately 10 miles north to its mouth at Sagnaga Lake. You'll enjoy plenty of good scenery along this route. The fishing is also good in the river. There are no campsites along the river, but there are a lot of campsites on Gneiss Lake and Maraboeuf Lake through which the river flows.
The portage between Granite Lake and Granite Bay is known as the Swamp Portage. If it has been rainy and wet, this portage has a lot of muddy sections, although many are now crossed by boardwalks. The Swamp Portage circumvents a fast and unnavigable section of river. A bit further downriver the Granite River passes through Gneiss Lake. This lake offers several good campsites and some decent fishing. Upon leaving Gneiss Lake, the Granite River makes a sharp turn known as the Devil's Elbow. The river is faster in this area as it flows through some narrow gorges. Maraboeuf Lake is a wide section along the river and has a half dozen campsites or so. This is typically the busiest area on the river with regard to canoe traffic. The river ends at Saganaga Lake after flowing over Saganaga Falls.
Exploring the Granite River
Routes to locations on the Granite River are shown below:
No routes defined for the Granite River yet.
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The beginning of the Granite River at the tail of the rapids below where it flows out of Clove Lake.

The Granite River looking downstream from the Clove Lake portage.

The Granite River from the Clove Lake portage.
Route Connections for the Granite River
From the Granite River, going south to north downriver, you can portage into Clove Lake, paddle into Granite Lake, portage (this is the Swamp Portage) into Gneiss Lake, portage into Maraboeuf Lake or portage into Saganaga Lake.
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