Gotter Lake
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Nearest Entry Point: Brant Lake #52 Fishing: Unknown
Maps: Fisher F-12; McKenzie #7 Lake Depth: Unknown
Fire History: 2007 Ham Lake Fire
Lake Size: Unknown
Campsites: 0 Wildlife Seen on Visit: None
Last Visited: June 14, 2020;
Previous Visit(s): October 9, 2015
Lake Elevation: About 1756 feet
Water Clarity: N/A

To Brant Lake: Walk the 88 rod portage
To Flying Lake: Walk the 20 rod portage

Gotter Lake

Gunflint Ranger District

Gotter Lake is referred to as "Gaiter" Lake on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Lake Finder website (as of 2016). The lake is certainly swampy enough to support "gators", but thankfully not warm enough. The lake might be mostly marshland now, but it still has a beauty about it, enhanced by the cliffs that edge parts of the lakes shoreline.

To get to the portage to Flying Lake, follow the open channel along the north shore of Gotter Lake if coming from Brant Lake. If the water is low, Gotter Lake can become a giant salad bowl of floating vegetation. During these low water times, the Flying Lake portage starts farther to the east along the north shore of the lake (adds another 40 rods or so).

Much of Gotter Lake's shoreline was burned by the 2007 Ham Lake Fire.

Gotter Lake flows into Crag Lake via a small stream. There used to be a portage from Gotter Lake to Crag Lake, which is shown on old maps. Crag Lake had a portage to Green Lake (this portage is still visible on satellite images and is overgrown, but manageable). Everett Lake drains into the north tip of Gotter Lake. Reaching Everett Lake requires a short bushwhack.

The portage between Gotter Lake and Brant Lake will be plenty tough for most groups...

Beymer, Robert, Boundary Waters Canoe Area – Volume 2 – Eastern Region (Berkeley: Wilderness Press, 2006), 147, 154, 158.
Pauly, Daniel, Exploring the Boundary Waters (Minneapolis:  University of Minnesota Press, 2005), 323, 324, 335.

Exploring Gotter Lake

Routes to locations on Gotter Lake are shown below:
Paddling Gotter Lake from the Brant Lake portage to the Flying Lake portage

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Gotter Lake 5
The north end of Gotter Lake as you look across it from the Brant Lake portage (June 2020).

Gotter Lake 1
Nearly the same view as above, but in fall instead of summer (October 2015).

Gotter Lake 2
Cliff face rising above Gotter Lake. The trees are dressed in their fall colors.

Paddling across Gotter Lake from the Brant Lake portage to the Flying Lake portage. Before heading to the Flying Lake portage, you paddle down to the south end of the lake. The approach to the Flying Lake portage is by paddling up the northwest shoreline from the lakes south end and going left around the bend to the Flying Lake portage landing. This is not the best route. It is easier to go between the lakes two portages by just staying along the north shore of the lake. (Note: During low water, the portage to Flying Lake starts about 40 rods east of this position along the north shore of Gotter Lake.)

Gotter Lake 3
Beaver lodge along the shore of Gotter Lake. This is in autumn (October).

Gotter Lake 4
Gotter Lake from the Flying Lake portage. You would typically head to the left to head toward Brant Lake down that channel you see here (left side of your view). It is possible to go right here and still make your way through the marsh grass if the water levels are good (October 2015). Water levels shown here are very good for autumn. If water levels are low, you need to follow the portage extension east (to your left) along the shoreline until it reaches a deeper area of Gotter Lake in which to launch your canoe. If the water levels are really low, that channel to the left will contain much less water than you see here (maybe just a muddy trough).
Portage to Flying Lake -or- Explore Another Route
**********************************************END OF ROUTE***********************************************

Route Connections for Gotter Lake

From Gotter Lake, you can portage to Brant Lake or Flying Lake. You can also bushwhack to Crag Lake or Everett Lake.

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PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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