Fawn Lake
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Nearest Entry Point: Cross Bay Lake #50 Fishing: Unknown
Maps: Fisher F-12; McKenzie #7 Lake Depth: Unknown
Fire History: Unknown
Lake Size: 7 acres
Campsites: 0 Wildlife Seen on Visit: None
Last Visited: June 15, 2019 Lake Elevation: About 1763 feet
Water Clarity: N/A

To Doe Lake: Bushwhack of about 8 rods (see Leaving Fawn Lake below)

Fawn Lake

Gunflint Ranger District

This is a small lake accessible from Doe Lake. The creek between Fawn Lake and Doe Lake is dammed up by beavers right where it flows out of Fawn Lake. Because of the beaver activity, you will have to bushwhack from Doe Lake. It is fairly open forest and not that difficult. You can stay next to the little creek between the two lakes to avoid getting lost in the woods. Staying to the right of the creek headed toward Fawn Lake seemed the easiest.

Fawn Lake appears to be quite shallow. When the beaver dam is in place, the lake probably has less wetland along its north shoreline; the dam probably has a big effect on water levels in this lake. No other obvious tributaries entering this lake.

The western edge of Fawn Lake straddles the boundary of the Hairy Lake Primitive Management Area.

There is a small unnamed pond about 350 feet due north of Fawn Lake.

Approach to Fawn Lake

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You get to this lake by first crossing Doe Lake. Doe Lake is connected to Karl Lake by a short channel that is often blocked by a beaver dam which may require a liftover.

Bushwhack to Fawn Lake

Starting at the north end of Doe Lake, head to Fawn Lake keeping the creek between the two lakes to your left. The creek is totally impassable for a canoe.

Exploring Fawn Lake

Fawn Lake 1
A good look at the beaver dam that is found at the Fawn Lake end of the creek that runs down to Doe Lake.

Fawn Lake 2
Fawn Lake as viewed from the beaver dam.

Fawn Lake 3
West shoreline of Fawn Lake from the beaver dam.

Fawn Lake 4
A full view of Fawn Lake from the beaver dam. (Note: Lake is not as long as it seems; artifact of the panoramic format -- more of a rounded shape.)

Leaving Fawn Lake

Heading back the way you came from Fawn Lake to Doe Lake.

Route Connections for Fawn Lake

From Fawn Lake, you can bushwhack to Doe Lake.

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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