Three Eagle Lake
Have not yet visited this Primitive Management Area lake. The information displayed on this page are notes used for planning a future trip to this area. Use the information on this page at your own risk.
Access Three Eagle Lake across a short portage of perhaps 20 rods from Jordan Lake. This portage, while not maintained by the U.S. Forest Service, gets enough use to make it easy to follow. The portage can be found when approaching the middle bay on the north side of Jordan Lake. There is a nice sand beach to land your canoe. Some rock outcroppings are just to the right of the sandy beach.
There are definitely northern pike swimming in Three Eagle Lake. They could be seen swimming in the shallows. Much of the lake has a sandy bottom. Some old literature indicates that Three Eagle Lake once had a maintained campsite. The old campsite was located in the southwest corner of the lake, on the west shoreline. Other places to camp can easily be found on this lake. You must have a PMA permit to camp here. Given its easy access from Jordan Lake, consider just camping on that lake.
What is a Primitive Management Area (PMA)?
Approach to Three Eagle Lake
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 View of the sandy beach landing above. It is on the left side of your view, just left of the rocks.
You are crossing the last part of Jordan Lake, heading toward the sandy beach landing. After you land the canoe, bushwhack from the pleasant beach through the woods to Three Eagle Lake. The whole bushwhack is maybe 20 rods.
 Canoe pulled up on the sandy beach on Jordan Lake where portage begins into Three Eagle Lake. Canoe pullouts don't get much nicer than this!
Bushwhack to Three Eagle Lake
The bushwhack which is more of a portage is included in the 'Approach' video above.

View of Three Eagle Lake from the end of the portage leading back to Jordan Lake. This view happens to be on the first day of fall. The portage between Three Eagle Lake and Jordan Lake is at the southern tip of Three Eagle Lake in the small bay.
Exploring Three Eagle Lake
Slow pan of Three Eagle Lake from the Jordan Lake portage.
 Your view from the canoe of most of the east shoreline of Three Eagle Lake.
 This is the western shoreline of Three Eagle Lake.

You are looking towards the south across the entire lake, from the north shoreline of Three Eagle Lake. The west shoreline of the lake is on your right.
View of Three Eagle Lake looking southwards from the lakes north end.

Looking toward the south from the north shore of Three Eagle Lake.