Sprig Lake
A sprig is a small stem bearing leaves or flowers. Sprig Lake appears to superficially resemble that on a map.
Sprig Lake is good-sized, with a huge island and several arms and bays to explore. The lake is also along the route that continues out to Your Lake and My Lake.
In 1894, a relatively small fire, which ignited near Pace Lake, burned the area between Pace Lake and Sprig Lake in what is now the Mugwump Lake Primitive Management Area within the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.
In 1875, a large fire complex called the Alice Lake/Ogishkemuncie Lake/Tuscarora Lake/Cherokee Lake Complex burned the area around all those major lakes. It probably started near Lake Insula or the Hog Lake area.
There was another large fire in this area around 1863-1864. This fire is known as the North Kawishiwi River/Alice Lake/Cypress Lake/Saganaga Lake Complex. Like the fire that burned this area in 1875, it began south of the current BWCAW's southern boundary.
Approach to Sprig Lake
Begin at Marble Lake and head up the creek to the southwest.
Bushwhack to Sprig Lake
This route extends for just under a mile starting from Marble Lake. You follow the creek the entire way. A good YouTube video linked below describes the route a bit. The author of that video mentions mostly good paddling along the creek between Marble Lake and Sprig Lake with about four carries around obstacles.
Exploring Sprig Lake
There is video on YouTube.com showing Sprig Lake with the author giving some nice details of the route: Watch This. Beautiful lake!
Just off the northwest end of Sprig Lake is a small creek that can be followed for about 40 rods if you have any energy left. This leads to a sizeable unnamed lake.
On the western tip of Sprig Lake is another creek mouth. Head up this creek to travel out to My Lake and Your Lake.