My Lake
Have not yet visited this Primitive Management Area lake. The information displayed on this page are notes used for planning a future trip to this area. Use the information on this page at your own risk.
My Lake collects the waters from Your Lake which lies to its west. My Lake drains east towards Sprig Lake and eventually into Gabimichigami Lake.
In 1875, a large fire complex called the Alice Lake/Ogishkemuncie Lake/Tuscarora Lake/Cherokee Lake Complex burned the area around all those major lakes. It probably started near Lake Insula or the Hog Lake area.
There was another large fire in this area around 1863-1864. This fire is known as the North Kawishiwi River/Alice Lake/Cypress Lake/Saganaga Lake Complex. Like the fire that burned this area in 1875, it began south of the current BWCAW's southern boundary.
Approach to My Lake
Follow the creek that flows into the western side of Sprig Lake.
Bushwhack to My Lake
While much of this route can be paddled in a canoe, it is a long ways; nearly a mile. From Sprig Lake, bushwhack along the creek through the forest for about 20 rods to the west. At this point, you will break out of the forest and find yourself looking at a small area of open water with a peat bog extending beyond to the west. From the other side of this little pond (area of open water), a creek should be evident. Follow the creek west. About 35 rods on, across the peat bog, you will come to an even larger area of open water. At this juncture, the creek should be navigable. Paddle west up the creek for about 250 more rods. Just before you reach My Lake, you may have a short bushwhack as the creek passes through the encroaching forest here just after it flows out of the lake.
Exploring My Lake
My Lake has a large, peat "boggy" island toward its east end. About half of the shoreline is soft, while the rest is forested. A large bay sticks up from the north end of the lake with a large peat bog mat bordering its west side. The creek leading to Your Lake can be found at the far western end. This is actually a very remote area of the BWCA and the Mugwump Lake Primitive Management Area. You are a good three miles from Gabimichigami Lake when you reach My Lake.