Incus Lake
Have not yet visited this Primitive Management Area lake. The information displayed on this page are notes used for planning a future trip to this area. Use the information on this page at your own risk.
The Incus Lake drainage is to the southwest through Cookoosh Lake. The water from Incus Lake eventually flows into Hoe Lake. An incus is a small bone in the inner part of the human ear that resembles and anvil. The shape of Incus Lake does resemble an anvil on its side. It is doubtful that is what gave inspiration to the lakes name. Who knows though?
In 1875, a large fire complex called the Alice Lake/Ogishkemuncie Lake/Tuscarora Lake/Cherokee Lake Complex burned the area around all those major lakes. It probably started near Lake Insula or the Hog Lake area.
There was another large fire in this area around 1863-1864. This fire is known as the North Kawishiwi River/Alice Lake/Cypress Lake/Saganaga Lake Complex. Like the fire that burned this area in 1875, it began south of the current BWCAW's southern boundary.
Approach to Incus Lake
Head up the creek toward the northeast from the north shore of Cookoosh Lake.
Bushwhack to Incus Lake
For the first 90 rods, paddle up a navigable creek from Cookoosh Lake. You will be heading in a north/northeast direction. This creek passes through peat bog along almost the entirety of its length. Eventually the creek grows too narrow for a canoe and you will have to drag or carry your boat and gear as you continue to follow its course. For about 160 more rods, follow the creek as it bends more to the east. Finally, the creek passes through a set of rock walls just as it flows out of a sizeable unnamed lake. Paddle across this lake to the northeast shoreline and look for another small creek entering from the east there. Follow this tiny creek, which is too small for floating a canoe, as it wends its way through the forest generally eastward for about 100 rods. The forest finally parts and you find yourself looking out over Incus Lake from its northwest corner. Certainly a rugged bushwhack.
Exploring Incus Lake
Incus Lake has a very long and prominent rocky point jutting out from the south shore of the lake. This could be a good place to set up camp. Flowing into the northeast arm of Incus Lake is a small creek that can be followed out to Median Lake.