Median Lake
Have not yet visited this Primitive Management Area lake. The information displayed on this page are notes used for planning a future trip to this area. Use the information on this page at your own risk.
Median Lake flows into Incus Lake through not one, but two tiny creeks emanating from opposite ends of the lakes southern shoreline. The word median refers to the middle. Have not been able to determine what “middle” Median Lake refers too. It could be the middle of nowhere as this lake is quite remote. A real possibility for the origin of this lake's name is that it may have been the middle of a route or some geographic area in the past. This is just conjecture though.
In 1875, a large fire complex called the Alice Lake/Ogishkemuncie Lake/Tuscarora Lake/Cherokee Lake Complex burned the area around all those major lakes. It probably started near Lake Insula or the Hog Lake area.
There was another large fire in this area around 1863-1864. This fire is known as the North Kawishiwi River/Alice Lake/Cypress Lake/Saganaga Lake Complex. Like the fire that burned this area in 1875, it began south of the current BWCAW's southern boundary.
Approach to Median Lake
There are two small creeks that connect Incus Lake to Median Lake. One is in the very northeastern arm of Incus Lake. The other is just to the west of the point that sticks out from Incus Lake’s north shore. Either way is about the same distance and involves the same sort of obstacles.
Bushwhack to Median Lake
Along the creek of your choosing, head about 30 rods to the northeast to Median Lake. Neither of these creeks appears navigable.
Exploring Median Lake
Median Lake is small and shallow with a partially forested peat bog surrounding much of the lake. A small creek, that drains some unnamed ponds and lakes north of Median Lake, flows into the east end.