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Gunflint Ranger District
This is a 3.5-mile (one way) trail from the Trailhead on Hungry Jack Road (this is BWCA Entry Point #82) to Rose Lake. Mile-for-mile, this is probably the most rugged of all the BWCA trails. The trail meanders up to the tops of ridges and then down into valleys. It is steep enough in places you'll have to use your hands along with your feet to climb up and down the trail. Much of the trail is in the BWCA, so you will need a permit. If just day hiking, fill out a permit at the entry point kiosk.
The only campsite along the trail is on Moss Lake. That is USFS Campsite #665. The campsite is just outside of the BWCA, so you don't need a permit to camp there. There is a steep access trail leading down to this campsite. When that trail reaches the shore of Moss Lake, go to your right, following the shoreline. It's at least 700 feet down the shore from the access trail.
The highlights of the trail are scenic views of West Bearskin Lake, Moss Lake and Duncan Lake. At the north end of the trail, the Caribou Rock Trail ends at the Border Route Trail. If you follow the Border Route Trail just a few hundred feet west, you will come to the Stairway Portage. That portage provides access to Rose Falls and the 'Stairway'. You also get views of Rose Lake here.
Near the first overlook you come to of West Bearskin Lake, not far into the hike from the trailhead, there is a junction with another trail. This is the Moss Lake Trail. That is a 2.3-mile long trail that connects with the South Lake Trail to the west. It is possible to do a loop starting from the Caribou Rock Trail Entry Point #82. Hike the Caribou Rock Trail to the Border Route Trail. Take the Border Route Trail west to the South Lake Trail. Follow that trail south to the Moss Lake Trail and then follow that east back to the Caribou Rock Trail. The total distance of that hike is about 12.8-miles. It makes for a very challenging day hike or a more leisurely overnight backpacking trip.
Hiking the Caribou Rock Trail
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The hike starts at the trailhead kiosk. It heads uphill to the first overlook of West Bearskin Lake. Not far past the overlook, you come to a sign for the Moss Lake Trail junction.
The usual signage found at all BWCA entry points. This is BWCA Entry Point #82. If you are just hiking the Caribou Rock Trail for the day, the box on the left side of the sign contains day permits. Fill one out and carry it with you.
A look down the south arm of West Bearskin Lake. This view is towards the east.
Here is the junction of the Moss Lake Trail and the Caribou Rock Trail. The Moss Lake Trail heads west from here. In about 2.3 miles it intersections the South Lake Trail.
From the Moss Lake Trail junction, it is a short hike to the junction with the access trail that leads to USFS Campsite #665 on Moss Lake. It's a steep hike down to the campsite if you plan to head there.
View of Moss Lake from near the campsite access trail.
Start of the access trail to the campsite on Moss Lake. This trail is quite steep.
The stretch of trail from the Moss Lake campsite access trail to the Duncan Lake/West Bearskin Lake portage intersection has several fine views of Moss Lake and Duncan Lake. If you need water, you can get it at either end of this portage.
View of Moss Lake, looking to the west.
You'll come this creek bed choked with large boulders shortly before arriving at the portage that runs between Duncan Lake and West Bearskin Lake..
The hike from the Duncan Lake/West Bearskin Lake portage to Rose Lake is very strenuous. The trail can also be a little tricky to follow in a few spots. The Caribou Rock Trail never officially reaches Rose Lake, but it does intersect the Border Route Trail. Turn left on the Border Route Trail and follow it a couple hundred feet or so over a little wooden bridge and you will come to the Stairway Portage. The wooden bridge is over a fast moving creek and is situated just upstream of Rose Falls. From the Stairway Portage, which provides a route between Duncan Lake and Rose Lake, there is a great view of Rose Falls. You can also hike down the namesake stairway to the shoreline of Rose Lake.
One of the first glimpses you'll get of Duncan Lake.
Looking toward the north at Duncan Lake from high up on the ridgeline.
Another view of Duncan Lake.
View of the more narrow north arm of Duncan Lake.
For a short distance trail runs along the creek that flows from Duncan Lake to Rose Lake.
A few short minutes after leaving the creek, you will arrive at the junction with the Border Route Trail. If you head to your left (west) from here, walking a few hundred feet will bring you to the Stairway Portage between Duncan Lake and Rose Lake. Visit the Stairway Portage page to see the 'Stairway' and Rose Falls.