Stairway Portage between Duncan Lake and Rose Lake and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 80 rods Date portage was last visited: May 14, 2024
Portage Rating: Average or Rugged going from Rose Lake to Duncan Lake  

The Stairway Portage between Duncan Lake and Rose Lake

Portaging Direction: From Duncan Lake to Rose Lake

Duncan Lake to Rose Lake Portage 1
This large flat rocky area marks the start of the portage.

A couple minutes down the portage from Duncan Lake and you will encounter a trail that breaks off to the right (east). This is the Border Route Trail. Following it a short distance brings you to a wooden bridge over a creek, not far up stream from Rose Falls. If you cross that bridge, a few feet beyond you will see the start of the Caribou Rock Trail which heads south (right). Or you could keep going east on the Border Route Trail. After returning to the portage from this side trip, continue along the portage. The portage at this point is now shared by the Border Route Trail. Follow it west for about 100 feet and your see another turn off to your right and a trail steeply heading downhill. This is the Stairway Portage again. If you didn't turn right here, you would continue west on the Border Route Trail. Note that there are some fine overlooks just a short ways down the Border Route Trail from the portage of Rose Lake, if you are interested in a side trip. Back to the Stairway Portage, it now continues downhill and soon comes to a great view of Rose Falls. Past Rose Falls, you encounter the famous 'Stairway'. About 80 to 85 natural, fitted stone steps. Soon after completing the staircase, you come to the portage landing on Rose Lake. From Duncan Lake to Rose Lake, the elevation drop is 138 feet.

Duncan Lake to Rose Lake Portage 3
Rose Falls.

Duncan Lake to Rose Lake Portage 2
Rose Lake portage landing. This is often a busy place during the prime summer season.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: ROSE LAKE

Portaging Direction: From Rose Lake to Duncan Lake

Duncan Lake to Rose Lake Portage 4
The start of the Duncan Lake portage.

Soon after leaving the portage landing, begin the climb of the Stairway. The stairs are broken up into three section, each progressively shorter. Once at the top of the stairway, it is a short jaunt to a great viewing area of Rose Falls. Take a breather here. After leaving the falls, walk uphill a short ways and you will encounter another trail that intersects the portage. This is the Border Route Trail. if you are interested in some good views of Rose Lake, follow it west (right) a short ways to an overlook. Heading to the left, you are now following both the Border Route Trail and the Stairway Portage. After about 100 feet, the portage breaks off to the right and the Border Route Trail continues east. From here it is about two or three minutes walk to reach the Duncan Lake portage landing.

Duncan Lake to Rose Lake Portage 5
Huge landing area on Duncan Lake.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: DUNCAN LAKE

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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