Portage from Ima Lake to Snatch Lake
Length in Rods: ~55 rods Start Lake: Ima Lake
Type of Portage Connection: Paddle End Lake: Snatch Lake
Rating: Bushwhack Date portage was last visited: August 2, 2014

BWCA Portage: Ima Lake to Snatch Lake

Portaging from Ima Lake

Your view looking back to the southeast towards Ima Lake, while traveling down the creek to Snatch Lake. Really low water levels would make this section difficult. This is late summer and water levels were still OK.

A short paddle through thick lily pads from Ima Lake to Snatch Lake. There are some large logs just under the water through here and they can be hard to see because the water is so bog stained.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: SNATCH LAKE

Portage from Snatch Lake into:


PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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