Portage between Ella Hall Lake and Mud Lake and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 84 rods Date portage was last visited: July 22, 2018
Portage Rating: Average  

The Portage between Ella Hall Lake and Mud Lake

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Portaging Direction: From Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 1
The portage is located in the west end of Ella Hall Lake, at the south end of a bay. The portage landing at this end is made up of firm ground and easy to use. This 85 rod portage has little elevation change along its entire length.

This is a flat, but fairly brushy portage. Some fallen trees across the portage that haven't been cleared yet. The portage is not heavily used. Mud Lake does not seem to get a lot of visitors. There are few campsites on Mud Lake.

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 3
Looking to the left down the shoreline of Mud Lake from the portage.

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 4
A view to the right from the portage landing. You can see the bottom through the clear water, definitely not "mud".

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: MUD LAKE

Portaging Direction: From Mud Lake to Ella Hall Lake

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 5
A pleasant sandy beach greets you on the Mud Lake end of the portage.

Expect this portage to have a lot of vegetation encroaching on the trail. There is likely to be some deadfall to walk around or step over too.

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 6
The portage landing at Ella Hall Lake is a piece of cake.

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 7
This is the view toward the north from the portage landing on Ella Hall Lake.

Ella Hall Lake to Mud Lake Portage 8
Looking to your left along the west shoreline of Ella Hall Lake from the Mud Lake portage landing.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: ELLA HALL LAKE

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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