Holiday Lake
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Nearest Entry Point: Lake One Fishing: Unknown
Maps: Fisher F-4 or F-31; McKenzie #18 Lake Depth: Unknown
Bushwhack Rating: Lake Size: 32 acres
Campsites: None Wildlife Seen on Visit: Never visited
Last Visited: Never Lake Elevation: 1490 feet
Water Clarity: MN DNR Fire History: 2011 and 1875

Holiday Lake

Have not yet visited this Primitive Management Area lake. The information displayed on this page are notes used for planning a future trip to this area. Use the information on this page at your own risk.

Weasel Lake PMA

One of two lakes in Minnesota named Holiday. Holiday Lake was spared somewhat by the big fire that raged through this area in 2011, unlike its sister lake, Spinnan Lake, which had its shoreline completely deforested by the inferno. There is a ridge between Spinnan Lake and Holiday Lake that should allow the observer to see both lakes at once; a nice place for a photo perhaps.

In 1875, a fire began in the August Creek area, a notable stream that runs through this region. This fire swept along August Creek and then spread and burned the forests around Bald Eagle Lake and Clearwater Lake.

What is a Primitive Management Area (PMA)?

Approach to Holiday Lake

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Both Holiday Lake and Spinnan Lake are both connected by a creek to Lake Three. This creek splits with one branch flowing out of Spinnan Lake and the other out of Holiday Lake. The branch heading to Spinnan Lake is much easier to follow. Therefore, having been here, recommend going to Spinnan Lake and approaching Holiday Lake from there.

Holiday Lake in the BWCA Weasel Lake PMA
After reaching Spinnan Lake, you paddle your canoe to the shoreline position just north of the inlet of where the small creek comes in from Janis Lake. This is in the southwest corner of the lake. Paddling straight into shore in the direction your canoe is currently facing, and then heading directly up the low ridge you see beyond, will get you to Holiday Lake. Visibility is good because of the recently burned forest. Footing will likely be another matter...

Bushwhack to Holiday Lake

From the northwest side of Spinnan Lake, head up the ridge due northwest through the burned out forest in the direction of Holiday Lake. Upon cresting the top of the ridge, you should be able to see Holiday Lake in this distance since the scorched forest allows for good visibility. The rest of the route is obvious. The entire bushwhack is about 60 rods. Walking through forest that has been recently burned can be challenging since the new undergrowth makes it hard to see where to place your feet with each step. It is easy to step in a hole, trip over logs or stubble on small boulders. This is because these objects are buried in the sea of green undergrowth. Therefore, take your time and make sure each step is well planted before taking another.

Exploring Holiday Lake

Holiday Lake is probably a slightly larger and less swampy version of Spinnan Lake. Since much of the forest is burned around the lake, Holiday Lake will likely be desolate and windswept like Spinnan Lake felt on my visit there.

PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
Carefree Lake Judd Lake Pangi Lake Spinnan Lake
Cortes Lake Kayoskh Lake Phospor Lake Weasel Creek
Holiday Lake Pagami Creek Plukesley Lake Weasel Lake
Janis Lake Pagami Lake Rock Island Lake  
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