Portage between Vern Lake and Whack Lake and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 14 rods Date portage was last visited: June 19, 2022
Portage Rating: Average  

The Portage between Vern Lake and Whack Lake

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Portaging Direction: From Whack Lake to Vern Lake

Whack Lake to Vern Lake Portage 1The Whack Lake end of the portage involves a slab rock pullout. You have to pull your canoe and gear up onto the rock shelf. Water is knee deep at the landing.

Portage path is well packed soil with few rocks. The track is slightly downhill going from Whack Lake to Vern Lake.

Whack Lake to Vern Lake Portage 2The easiest place to put the canoe in is on the left side of this rock shelf. The slope is gentler on that side and the water is much shallower.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: VERN LAKE

Portaging Direction: From Vern Lake to Whack Lake

View of the rock shelf on the Vern Lake end of this portage. As you face Vern Lake, the best place to land your boat seems to be on the left side of this slab rock.

Headed in this direction, the portage is gently uphill to Whack Lake. The portage trail is in very good condition with few obstructions.

Whack Lake to Vern Lake Portage 2Another rocky landing on the Whack Lake end of this portage. Large rocks underwater, so be careful with the footing.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: WHACK LAKE

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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