Portage between Range Lake and Sandpit Lake and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 160 rods Date portage was last visited: September 8, 2019
Portage Rating: Easy  

The Portage between Range Lake and Sandpit Lake

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Portaging Direction: From Range Lake to Sandpit Lake

The start of this portage is just to the left of where the Range River flows out of Range Lake. The portage landing is very acceptable.

Walk a very flat and slightly overgrown portage for 160 rods to Sandpit Lake. This portage is so easy, it will feel to some like its only half of its true length. As you near Sandpit Lake, you will come to an intersection. Keep going straight. If you take the right turn here, you will end up at the Range River.

Range Lake to Sandpit Lake Portage 1
The southeast bay of Sandpit Lake. You are looking toward the north. The portage landing here is level and made of mostly sand.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: SANDPIT LAKE

Portaging Direction: From Sandpit Lake to Range Lake

The portage landing is at the very south end of the southeast bay of Sandpit Lake. There is a false portage on the east shore about 150 feet north of this point. This false portage will get you to the Range River, but you will not like it, as it crosses a swamp. Since you are heading to Range Lake, take this portage found at the back of the bay instead. If you are going to the Range River, you still want to use this portage. Don't take the portage across the swamp.

The portage runs west for about 15 rods and comes to an intersection with another portage. If you go left here, it's about 10 rods to a lovely landing on the Range River. This is the easy way to get to the Range River. If you keep going straight its another 145 rods or so to Range Lake. This portage is as flat as they come. It may be slightly overgrown because of light usage. The portage used to be a railroad used by the logging industry back in the early 1900's.

Range Lake to Sandpit Portage 2
A fresh moose track along the trail.

Range Lake to Sandpit Portage 3
Just before reaching Range Lake, there is a nice view of the Range River to be had along the portage.

Range Lake to Sandpit Portage 4
Range Lake. The Range River flows out of the lake just to your left. The portage landing is genuinely nice.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: RANGE LAKE

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PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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