The Portage between Lake Three and Horseshoe Lake
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Portaging Direction: From Lake Three to Horseshoe Lake
 Landing is fairly good on this end of the portage; just a few rocks.
Short and relatively flat portage. The Powwow Trail intersects this portage near the Horseshoe Lake end of it.
 Shallow water, but a few rocks. Overall a good spot.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: HORSESHOE LAKE
Portaging Direction: From Horseshoe Lake to Lake Three
 As you can see in the photo, a few rocks.
Easy portage. The Powwow Trail intersects the portage just as you leave the portage landing from the Horseshoe Lake side.
 Trivial landing with a couple rocks to dodge with the canoe.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: LAKE THREE
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