Portage between Hula Lake and Wood Lake and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 40 rods
Date portage was last visited: June 30, 2024; Previous Visit(s): July 22, 2018
Portage Rating: Easy
The Portage between Hula Lake and Wood Lake
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Portaging Direction: From Wood Lake to Hula Lake
The portage is located in the west end of the north bay of Wood Lake. This is a 40 rod portage and has little elevation change along its entire length. The landing is in an area of shallow water. Solid bottom substrate (July 22, 2018).
The portage path is hard packed and is easily followed through the woods (June 30, 2024).
Older video footage of this portage (July 22, 2018).
The portage landing here at Hula Lake reasonably good. Can be a little mushy if its been wet recently. The lake bottom here is semi-muddy, but you won't sink in too much. You can paddle through the reeds in the distance with little effort (June 30, 2024).
Here is an older photo of this portage landing taken from roughly the same location (July 22, 2018).
View to the right when standing at the end of the Wood Lake portage (July 22, 2018).
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit:HULA LAKE
Portaging Direction: From Hula Lake to Wood Lake
The water looks a bit turbid (from a canoe that recently passed through), but the mud isn't much of an issue here. Footing when getting out of the canoe is reasonable (July 22, 2018).
The portage landing allows ample space for several canoes and associated gear (June 30, 2024).
Older photo of this portage landing (July 22, 2018).
The portage is 40 rods and is flat and level over the short distance. Really not much else to tell you about this one (June 30, 2024).
Older video footage of this portage (July 22, 2018).
The portage landing on the Wood Lake end (June 30, 2024).
Upon reaching Wood Lake, this is the view towards the east down the north bay of the lake (July 22, 2018).
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit:WOOD LAKE