Portage between Confusion Lake and Lake One and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 44 rods Date portage was last visited: June 14, 2021
Portage Rating: Easy  

The Portage between Confusion Lake and Lake One

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Portaging Direction: From Confusion Lake to Lake One

Confusion Lake to Lake One 1
Solid portage landing. Just a few boulders to thread the canoe between.

This portage is slightly uphill. There are some rock steps about midway that require careful footing. Good views of the Kawishiwi River from locations just off the portage path.

Confusion Lake to Lake One 6
The Kawishiwi River between Lake One and Confusion Lake. Visible to the right are the remains of the old logging dam, known as Lake One Dam Number 1.

Confusion Lake to Lake One 2
The Lake One landing has two launch options. From the flat rock to the right (which works if you have someone to hold the canoe) or inbetween the boulders (say if you are using a solo canoe). BWCA Campsite 1671 is just visible to the far left of your view. BWCA Campsite 1670 is about 50 feet away (out of view) to your right.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: LAKE ONE

Portaging Direction: From Lake One to Confusion Lake

Confusion Lake to Lake One 3
The slanted slab rock is slippery below the waterline, so it is hard to get out here without someone holding the canoe. You can also land amidst those boulders in the background.

Mild descent traveling in this direction toward Confusion Lake. Some rock steps along the route about midway. Views of Kawishiwi River rapids along the portage.

Confusion Lake to Lake One 5
Cluster of bunchberry (Source: Wildflowers of the Boundary Waters by Betty Vos Hemstad, p. 35; Source: Minnesota Wildflowers) growing along the portage in mid-June.

Confusion Lake to Lake One 4
The landing on this end of the portage is better. Very accessible.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: CONFUSION LAKE

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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