Dam Number One on Little Gabbro Lake and surrounding area
Dam Number One on Little Gabbro Lake
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An old logging dam that was partially removed by the U.S. Forest Service. Removal of this dam returned the water levels of Little Gabbro Lake to near their normal level (August 2016).
Upstream view of the structure of Dam Number One on Little Gabbro Lake. This dam was probably built by the St. Croix Lumber Company. This dam was used in the early 1900's to raise the water level of lakes to facilitate the movement of logs. Most of these dams from this era have deterioriated or been physicallly removed by the U.S. Forest Service.
Dam No. 1 viewed from the cliffs directly above it. There is a second dam on Little Gabbro Lake's northwest channel. That is named Dam No. 2. Both of the north channels of Little Gabbro Lake connect to the South Kawishiwi River. That northwest channel can also be passed through, but requires several small portages and some caution. These portages are not marked on the map (August 2016).
Another view of Dam Number 1 in September 2020. You can walk down and stand right next to it from the portage trail.
Downstream from Dam Number 1, the channel passes through a small gorge.