Portage from Little Indian Sioux River to Little Indian Sioux River and surrounding area
Length in Rods: 160 rods Date portage was last visited: September 27, 2020
Portage Rating: Average  

The Portage from the Little Indian Sioux River to the Little Indian Sioux River

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This is the portage between the BWCA Entry Point 9 and BWCA Entry Point 14 landings along the river.

Portaging Direction: From Little Indian Sioux River to Little Indian Sioux River (heading downstream)

LIS to LIS Portage 1
The portage landing is packed mud and gravel and provides a firm bottom making for a nice canoe landing. This spot is on the south side of the Echo Trail. From here, head up the short hill to the road, cross the road and pass by the parking lot for BWCA Entry Point 9 (which will be on your left). Continue on the trail along the river (there is a sign in the parking lot). This is also the canoe landing for BWCA Entry Point 9.

LIS to LIS Portage 2
Sign (on right side of your view) indicating the portage along the Little Indian Sioux River.

This portage is a little overgrown. The path runs right along the Little Indian Sioux River and it is quite scenic. This portage runs between the canoe landings on the river for BWCA Entry Point 9 and BWCA Entry Point 14. If you have a permit for BWCA Entry Point 9, you cannot just take this portage over to BWCA Entry Point 14 and continue into the BWCA (and vice versa), you must have the correct permit.

LIS to LIS Portage 3
A rocky landing on this end of the portage. Note that this is also the canoe landing for BWCA Entry Point 14.

LIS to LIS Portage 4
Looking upstream (to the right) at the tail end of the rapids that you just bypassed along this portage.

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: LITTLE INDIAN SIOUX RIVER

Portaging Direction: From Little Indian Sioux River to Little Indian Sioux River (heading upstream)

LIS to LIS Portage 5
The rubble pile for a portage landing you encounter when doing this trail in the upstream direction. This is also the portage landing for BWCA Entry Point 14.

This portage gets more use from hikers than paddlers. It makes for a scenic walk along this section of the Little Indian Sioux River. The portage trail is a little brushy. Going in the upstream direction, the portage runs from the BWCA Entry Point 14 canoe landing to the BWCA Entry Point 9 put in. You will cross the Echo Trail just before reaching the south end of the portage. The portage doesn't get a ton of use because most paddlers are either heading south from BWCA Entry Point 9, or north from BWCA Entry Point 14.

LIS to LIS Portage 6
A easy landing on the south end of the portage. This is also the portage landing for BWCA Entry Point 9 - Little Indian Sioux River (South).

Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: LITTLE INDIAN SIOUX RIVER

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PMA #1: Weeny PMA #4: Tick PMA #7: Pitfall PMA #10: Hairy
PMA #2: Canthook PMA #5: Spider PMA #8: Mugwump PMA #11: Weasel
PMA #3: Sundial PMA #6: Drag PMA #9: Humpback PMA #12: Fungus
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