BWCA Portage: Lake Two to Rock Island Lake
Portaging from Lake Two

You stand next to the mouth of Rock Island Creek, just as it flows into Lake Two. You stay to the left of the creek for the portage. The path is obvious for a bushwhack with a few fallen trees to maneuver around, over or under.
You come to this Beaver dam along the creek you have been following. This is looking upstream in the direction of Rock Island Lake. To get to this beaver dam took you just a few paddle strokes. It is just upstream from where the portage ended that you had walked from Lake Two.

You take a breather and look back downstream after clearing that last beaver dam. The beaver dam was only about 100 feet upstream from the end of the portage/bushwhack that began at Lake Two. Looking past the trees along the creek, you can glimpse that back in the forest, some of the trees were burned by the 2011 Pagami Creek Fire in this area. The creek likely protected the forest along its banks.

A bit further upstream and the creek starts to widen for you. It remains easy to paddle from this point all the way to Rock Island Lake. Just ahead you can see the creek enters a marsh and hooks to the left. At this point, it is much easier to see the burn scars of the recent forest fire.

You stop along the creek as it flows through the marsh, taking in the scenery. The fire seemed to burn some areas and leave other islands of forest intact. The water is low during your visit.
You travel along the final section of the creek until you arrive at Rock Island Lake.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: ROCK ISLAND LAKE
Portage from Rock Island Lake into: Bushwhack into Judd Lake