The Portage between Canoe Lake and Crystal Lake
Portaging Direction: From Canoe Lake to Crystal Lake

Clear shallow water with a beach made of small pieces of rubble. The landing is spacious.
A few rocks and roots, but a fairly typical BWCA portage. Not a lot of elevation change.

The put in at Crystal Lake is also easily managed. Some logs and rocks offshore, but they are easy to spot in this 'crystal-clear' water.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: CRYSTAL LAKE
Portaging Direction: From Crystal Lake to Canoe Lake

Fine gravel and some sand make up the bottom substrate. Water is shallow and quite clear.
Portage is nearly flat. Has particularly good landings on both ends. Trail tread has a few rocks and roots, but no big deal.

Large landing area on a gravel beach at Canoe Lake.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: CANOE LAKE
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