The Portage between Alder Lake and East Bearskin Lake (south arm)
Portaging Direction: From East Bearskin Lake to Alder Lake

Relatively good landing on East Bearskin Lake end of this portage.
The portage trail is well trodden and have few elevation changes.

A small inlet between the boulders offers a solid place to pull in or pull out.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: ALDER LAKE
Portaging Direction: From Alder Lake to East Bearskin Lake

The small bay here offers a reasonably good landing zone.
This is a heavily used portage and well maintained. Little change in elevation. Typical BWCA portage.

A pretty good landing with lots of space for canoes and gear on the shoreline.
Now that you've made it over the portage, visit: EAST BEARSKIN LAKE
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