Old Cabin and Work Camp Remains at Mouth of Pagami Creek
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Not sure the purpose of this camp. It is just down the shore of Lake One from the mouth of Pagami Creek. It is difficult to see it from the lake in the summer because of all the leaves on the trees. Easy to see in early spring and late fall. There is usually a trail visible to help find it in the summer. Besides the old cabin, there are lots of relics and other junk scattered about in the woods. At the edge of the lake, heavy metal rungs are set into the rock. The metal rungs could have been to tie up watercraft or maybe log rafts. (Note: The 1952 Fisher Map used to show a trail or possibly an old forest road that ran just inland of this location. It is shown on the simple map on the Pagami Creek page of this website. Click the simple map link below the map window on the right.) (May 17, 2014).

If you can find this rock with the metal ring attached to it (a bit right of center near top of image), the old cabin is nearby (June 14, 2021). The cabin ruins are to the left, just back in the trees as you face this rock.
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